10 Things Rock Bands Teach Us About Content Marketing

Who says an 80’s rock band, like Van Halen, can’t teach us about content marketing? I was perusing my photos from a 2012 Van Halen concert I attended and was struck by the social media and content marketing lesson that there was hidden in this great rock and roll experience!

10 Things Rock Bands Can Teach Us About Content Marketing

  1. Every Song Is Part Of An Album. All of your white paper, blog, and video content need to be part of a unified story.
  1. Turn Up The Volume To The Back Row Can Hear You. Make sure you use enough Tweets, blog posts, and other messaging to connect with your customers.
  1. Free Tickets Get People To Sample Your Music. You need to give away some content to get customers to try your site, blog, and brand out.
  1. New Music Keeps Fans Coming Back For More. Always generate new and fresh content to keep people engaged with your social media brand.
  1. Music Sells The Album, T-shirts, And The Concert Tickets. Like music, content does not always have to ask for the order, just consistently keep everyone in a ready-to-act state.
  1. You Need To Be Talking To Your Band Mates. Like a well-tuned band, your social media content distribution needs to be in sync with all of your stakeholders.
  1. Fan Conversation Happens … No Matter What. There are no stopping social media, so you need to be a part of the conversation.
  1. Make The Fans Hot For Teacher. Think about brand advocates as “groupies,” … AKA influencers … and leverage them.
  1. Have Fun With The Fans And Talk To Them. Put some voice in your content messaging and give it personality.
  1. Jump Into It. Use the right content to connect with your followers, and they, too, will dance the night away!
  1. Sing So The Fans Dance The Night Away With You. Tell your followers and customers that you love them by delivering relevant content delivered in relevant ways.
  1. Keep The Peace. Social media needs to integrate with other content marketing tactics. No one tactic can be counted on alone.

Do you have something that you can add to this setlist of content marketing ideas? Please leave a comment below or reach me directly at [email protected]

I won’t be bringing my mullet hairstyle back any time soon. No matter how cool it would look. However, I will be applying what I learned from this very cool 1980’s band, Van Halen! So think about it and Jump into a new way of content marketing!

Gerry Moran is a social media and content marketing strategist who's worked for large global brands and digital agencies. He's spent significant time in hands-on marketing leadership roles with HBO, IKEA, Ralston Purina, Kodak, and numerous digital agencies. He spent his last ten years working at SAP and Cognizant, where he built their content marketing operating models, developed social media training programs, and helped thousands with their LinkedIn makeovers and personal branding strategies.

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