10 Rolling Stones Songs to Inspire Social Media Strategy

The Rolling Stones are truly an inspiration for any social media strategy, whether you are a small or large business! They are a great inspiration for how to continue to put out a relevant message no matter the channel—vinyl, Spotify, or Sonos.

Thinking outside of the box is key to develop your social media strategy. I invite you to dust off your old vinyl to find your Rolling Stones social media inspiration!

10 Rolling Stones Songs To Inspire Your Social Media Strategy

1. “Miss You” Are you missing the customers and followers who have unsubscribed from your blog, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media channels? Then it’s time to rethink your content and social media marketing strategy! Make your content more interesting, and your followers will be commenting, “Let’s Spend The Night Together.”

2. “Gimme Shelter” Your followers, customers, and prospects want a community to help them learn, solve and get closer to your brand. Make sure you have created a safe and sharing social space for them to visit.

3. “Mother’s Little Helper” Use all the available social media tools and features to make your social media strategy work as hard as possible for you.

4. “Start Me Up” If you have only been using one or two social media channels for your business, it’s time to start up other channels. CMI and MarketingSherpa report that the average B2B marketer uses 12 marketing tactics. Social media is the primary marketing channel to distribute content!  Remember, you need to fish where the fish are and use the channels your customers and prospects use to maximize your social media strategy.

5. “She’s A Rainbow” Social media followers have expectations that the same brand will connect with them differently based on the “rules of engagement” on each channel. iMedia Connection reports 57% of cross-platform social campaigns (using the same social methods on different social sites) fail – simply because social “here” is not social “there”. So, understand your followers are like a rainbow and deliver different shades of content on each of your social media channels.

Rolling Stones - Gerry Moran

6. “Sticky Fingers” Yes, I know this is an album, but you want to create content that keeps readers engaged, for as long as possible, to help you to build an ongoing relationship where your followers stick around!

7. “Time Is On My Side” With timely planning of your business’ news, events, and promotions, you can deliver an excellent social media experience. An editorial calendar will help you with this proper planning so you can “…Always Get What You Want” with your messaging, or at least “get what you need.”

8. “Ain’t Too Proud To Beg” Make sure to include social sharing buttons on your emails, website, and blog posts to ask others to share your content to their networks. Don’t be so proud to beg, and you will never be “Waiting On A Friend.”

9. “Brown Sugar” Make sure your social media message adds a little sugar to avoid it from being bland and too promotional. Combining great content with your personality will make you look very “Respectable”!

10. Paint It, Black. You will be in black (instead of red) with your sales and marketing quotas if you use social media effectively to reach, engage and drive conversion with social media.

Do you have another Rolling Stones song that you think is inspirational? Please post your suggestions below! Or email me at [email protected] and I will add it to the greatest hits!

I know “It’s Only Rock and Roll”, but it’s great social media inspiration nonetheless!

Gerry Moran is a social media and content marketing strategist who's worked for large global brands and digital agencies. He's spent significant time in hands-on marketing leadership roles with HBO, IKEA, Ralston Purina, Kodak, and numerous digital agencies. He spent his last ten years working at SAP and Cognizant, where he built their content marketing operating models, developed social media training programs, and helped thousands with their LinkedIn makeovers and personal branding strategies.

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